trustea is an Indian sustainability code and verification system for the tea sector. The Code is working with smallholder tea growers, bought leaf factories, estates and packers to address some of the key challenges in the industry including working conditions, health and safety, water pollution, food safety, soil erosion and contamination.The code enables producers, buyers and others involved in Indian tea businesses to obtain tea that has been produced according to agreed, credible, transparent and measurable criteria.tracetea is a digital traceability system offering one stop solution to supply chain challenges. It aims at establishing clear and well-monitored linkages from bush to the factory exit gate. Designed for the users from various section of the industry - growers, aggregators, factories, tea experts, etc.Some functionalities are as given below: STGsa. Helps STGs in logging, recording and complying to Plant Protection Code. b. Advisory and guidance support for small tea growers (STGs) for better agriculture practicesFactorya. Suppliers, Production, invoice and inventory management b. Helps in establishing forward tracking and backward traceability.